He has begun his advertising career at Reksan Reklam in 1984, and continued as the Supervisor of Photography and Reproduction at Pars/McCann-Erickson which is formerly named.
In between the years of 1991-1996, he has worked at Hürriyet newspaper's advertising department as a graphic designer. In the year of 1996, he turned back to McCann-Istanbul to be the Director of Graphic Studio.
Press production added to his work responsibility in 1998. Beginning from this date, he executes the directorship of the both departments.
In between the years of 1999-2005, as visiting lecturer, he gave computer graphics and image processing lectures at the Communication Design Department of Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Art and Design.
Until the end of 2013, at McCann-Istanbul, he directed the ATL, BTL, graphic design, execution and the press production processes of the brands such as L'Oreal, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, KFC, Pizza Hut, Unilever, THY, HSBC, Aksigorta, Akmerkez, Opel, Doğuş, VW.
Sait Erol continues his works in the fields of photography, creative retouch and graphic design at Mono Creative Works which he found in 2013. He creates solutions for advertising photography to carry it through its purpose with the most appropriate budget.